TPOVGWith the last swing of your weapon, Overkill screams, his voice echoingGthrough the swirling air. His black cloak drops to the ground and acidCbubbles around it. His scaly skin begins to melt and shed from his skeleton.CA cold presence coarses your skin as though a dead soul has enteredByour body. You shiver as a freezing chill streaks down your back.DAnd before your eyes, an image of an old man materializes, waving in:the dead heat. A soothing voice reigns from the illusion:B"The Fates have served you well, young warrior. You have survivedDthe temptation of death, and the associations of evil. Your victoryFis great and gives the souls back to the long defeated HeXonium Force.FYou have proven to them that they did not die in vain. And I, myself,Fam grateful for your courage. I hope my blessings have you helped youFon your arduous task. A long life to you, young warrior, and congrat- ulations...EYou drop to your knees as the image of the Oracle fades. Your weaponFslips from your grip and falls silent on the ground. A small brush ofFwarm air against your face reminds you of the remaining tasks. A tearCdrips from your eye as you drop the rest of your weapons. You knowEthat you're one step closer in rebuilding Earth back to civilization.EWith Overkill and his army of Hydrites seemingly disjointed, life may?be a bit easier for you and the rest of the Complex population. Congratulations... DEFEATED OVERKILL!!!! JYou hear the rumbling of a spaceship behind you. As you turn to look, youGsee the monstrous mothership of the Hydrites. The docking panel slowly=comes open, and bright light and mist flow from the entrance./Do you want to run away from the spaceship? 9Adventurous as you are, you spy on the Hydrite spaceship.8 "Your time has come, mortal!" a sinister voice rumbles.?The voice sounds anything but inviting as you slowly back away.J "It humors me that such a pathetic organism as yourself could defeat me."DYou realize that this must be the evil ruler of the Hydrites who hasDtormented Earth for so many years. It is the Overlord who seeks theIprecious water crystals for his own inhuman race. It is the slave driverKthat captured the HeXonium force in the midst of the Revolution. It is the)embodiment of all evil, Overkill himself.I "You have caused me enough problems destroying my Hydrite fleets. It is. time you have a taste of your own medicine."KYou grin at the thought of the number of Hydrites you have butchered. YourGhand grips tightly around your weapon as the adrenaline starts pumping.IOverkill raises a massive, scaly hand in the air and majestically stridesJdown the landing ramp onto the ground. His black cloak swirls around him,Galmost like a living thing. All you can see of his face are his white, lifeless eyes. "Do you have what it takes, $? Or are you like the rest of them,= scared of your own fate? Come, I want to hear you scream."U 8"Luckily for you, we tire of your worthlessness, human."5"Looklef a ewr, shoz treeah ja asj withlisf, hoomin."BThe Hydrites blindfold you and lead you to the exit of the Prison. .MP3U *Darkness looms over and swirls around you.2Hydrite cackles echo throughout this dark hallway.0Your foot splotches through something oozy here.1Echoing cries of help can be heard down the hall.:You try to adjust your eyes to this overwhelming darkness.4The smell of Hydrites makes you ill to your stomach.6You become nervous as you hear scuffling of footsteps.)A small winged beast swoops by your head.0A loud hissing sound lurks through the darkness. You have arrived at Cell N)orth S)outh E)ast W)estU You jam the / into the rusted lock and try to open the cell. m!!! GOT IT!";You slide back the cell gate and wander into the dark cell. Here, you find & ready to pounce on you, expecting you-to be a Hydrite guard. You begin to explain:H"You're free, get out while you can. I'll meet you outside the prison."0He thanks you and runs blindly towards the exit. (You receive " crystals for your brave efforts!) Released from the Hydrite Prison!/Here, you don't find anything -- an empty cell. mph! Wrong key." There isn't a cell here.+There isn't anything here that needs a key.U ( - ; E J S b p u !Fighting: Hit Points: ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ : frantically attempts to escape from almost certain death. 0 rips away and desperately sprints for his life! Instantly, you tear the off your back and sight it on !8With precise accuracy, your shot drills him in the back!8 stumbles to the ground, quivers for a moment, and dies. (You are awarded experience points!) You snatch & water crystals from the dead carcass.1 stumbles for a few yards, but manages to escape. Your shot zips over "'s head, and he is able to escape. # "Hmph! Out of ammunition power!" 3You deny his escape as you pound him to the ground.U >o\1v 8Poison from the Hydrite's weapon seeps into your wounds! You have contracted from You are currently using weapon # Ammo : 3) Fists Switch to which weapon? You have switched to your p\,v You rip out your and hurl into combat.CArmed without a weapon, your fists tighten as you step into battle.U draws his and prepares to fight.) pounces into combat lacking any weapons.U Surrender to IYou throw down your weapons and raise your hands in the air to surrender.HOverkill's eyes glow a dark red as he puts you into a trance. He lowersFhis hands and his power forces you to your knees. With a quick swing,DOverkill smashes his Xendrix over the back of your head and you fall unconscious.E"It would be better to DIE than to surrender to a Hydrite!" the guardD"Tis shifa a husflur DEITHSLR en groffling unsta Hydrite!" the guardFsnorts. With a quick swing, he smashes his SanPlizer over the back of#your head and you fall unconscious. -- surrended to and put in Hydrite Prison!IThe Prison cells are full, so he strips you of your weapons and armor and leaves you for the vultures. HumanoidG"You ain't gonna get off so easy, wimp. Tell ya what, if you give me aGlittle more than... say, HALF your water crystals, then maybe you'll be#lucky enough to walk away alive..."8 snarls and begins clawing your backpack. He manages toIrip open your water crystal supply. Maybe it would be a good idea if you?were to give him half of your crystals in return for your life.(How many do you want to give to him? %I think you miscounted your crystals."Are you sure you want to give him crystals? "Deal..." says ( as he transfers the water crystals from your pack into his.F"Next time... there will be no pity." Your jaw crushes as he waps you#across the face. You dazily watch run off into the darkness.3 laughs evilishly as he runs off into the darkness.; snorts in delight as you transfer your water crystals overGto his small supply. He claws at his pile of crystals eagerly counting4his newly gained treasure. You slip out of view of "NO DEAL!" shouts $ as he lunges his fists up into yourGthroat. Blood spews from your mouth like a fountain as you drop to the ground.= is terribly upset at your measly offering of crystals. WithHone swipe of his claw, your head rolls off of your shoulders and bouncesJon the ground. Your eyes twitch in reflex and the rest of your body walks.aimlessly around until it flops to the ground.U Run from KSeeing as how you have a good chance of avoiding battle from this sighting,!you rear up and take off running.8You attempt to break from combat and free yourself from You knock ' back and buy some free time to escape. 9He slams you to the ground and prevents you from running.&Run in which direction? (N/S/E/W) north south west-That direction doesn't offer an escape route! You dash off to the ( with your pack juggling heavily behind. Humanoid; attempts to chase you but finally realizes there is better:meat out here in the wastelands. You escape without harm. As you glance back, sights his at you! "Oh... i ... AHH!"BSomething strikes you in the back, and you collapse to the ground. Luckily for you, leaves you for the vultures.J-- Except maybe this time you weren't so lucky. You lay on the ground andJwatch your raggedy clothes turn red with blood. Not even medical kits can"help you now as you fade to black. KILLED by ... "''s shot grazes your pack and leaks out crystalsKbefore you have time to fix the hole. At least you make it to a safe area. ... "GHis shot whizzes by your head and skims the ground some 100 yards away.1 fades out of view as you make it to a safe area.; charges after you but stops after a few meters. He grunts&in disgust as you successfully escape.U c >A)ttack T)ill Death E)xchange R)un S)urrender C)heck V)iew Fight to the DEATH? TO THE DEATH!8The walls seem to close in on you, and there is no where-to run. Your best bet would be to surrender.U + 0 @ N S d i w | 4 V r !&!6!J!Z!r! "&":"?"I"N"e"y"~" $$$9$C$H$T$c$ $S%a%f%}% &c.l.z. /#/-/7/E/Q/[/e/t/ 0U0_0i0n0 0Z1j1o1y1 2(22272@2X2k2y2~2 203]3g3u3z3 4 4,4B4I4W4\4l4v4{4 5/595G5L5\5f5p5u5 <)<7<<'s blast blows a hole right through you. A few meters behind,)you hear your organs splat to the ground. DEATH.TXT KILLED by !!7 explodes into bits as your blast nails him. Tou che'! KILLED Humanoid?The monster's equipment decays into dust from excess radiation.U >y\3r >J3dv $ 5 E O T Y h The ZZETs speed out from your and bolt into !CThe ZZETs pummel into his body and rip out through the back of him! Your shot nails $ as he tries to move out of the way!2The ZZETs find their mark as they deeply dig into The ZZETs blitz from his and pelt into you!BHis ZZETs move like lightning as they puncture into your shoulder!=As you dodge to the right, a second ZZET tears into your gut! Your 0 fires and explodes an energy force against him!CWith the speed of an atomic explosion, the energy force blasts into , lifting him off the ground! The energy force from your engulfs in a web of crucifying heat! fires his steadily and nails you"before you have a chance to blink!FThe energy force supplied by his Power Pack captures you and whips you back through the air!CHis energy force curves to the left but swings back and strikes you from behind! The inferno blast from your burns into him!1With excellent siting, the inferno melts against 's face!: writhes in pain as he is flurried with the inferno blast! He blasts his and the inferno burns into you!EYou feel paralyzed as you see the inferno blast into you straight on!@Your body catches on fire as you try to avoid his inferno blast! The ( burns red and ignites a storm of ICE! )becomes imprisoned within daggers of ice! A storm of ice blasts from the and fiercly rips into$Blasts of ice daggers rip from your and shatter into His 9 explodes a huge mass ice at you. It hits you like steel as it crushes you to the ground!/You scream in horror as sheets of ice from his catapult into you!#The storm of freezing ice from his fiercly punctures into you'as you attempt to dodge out of the way!U Your has run out of ammunition!@Your shot curves to the left and explodes into a pile of rubble.:Smoke sizzles from your range weapon as it jams up inside.:Your weapon misfires and ricochets off the ground in vain.@Your shot zips over your target's head and defuses in midflight.@A dust storm rips into your eyes and you're blinded temporarily.BHe tumbles to the ground as your shot flies by his face in a miss.U has run out of ammunition!-His shot zips through the air over your head.+His weapon jams and explodes into his face.:Luckily for you, he laxes on the trigger and doesn't fire.;His shot wizzes by you as you dive to the ground for cover.IYou quickly dive for a nearby rock. Luckily, his shot is on target as it explodes into the rock.U >p\2v You swing out your and sight it on .+You are not armed with a long-range weapon!@You quickly try to rush your opponent as he attempts long-range. yanks out his and fires at you. Armed without a range weapon, boldly rages at you.U $ ) @ J T Y g | )That is already the name of another Base.U Base Status: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Name :[ (Claimed for Squadron # (No Squadron access) Shields :[ Structure :[ Defense :[ Telepod :[ Constructed NoneU Base :[ Base Status: ~~~~~~~~~~~ -[C] Check Status Shields :[ -[U] Use Equipment Triterium Field Electro-Triterium Field -[S] Storage Room Structure :[ -[R] Radio Room Defense :[ -[V] View/Attack Recruit Telepod :[ Active -[T] Use Telepod -[B] Configure Base -[E] Exile Recruit -[L] Sleep (logoff) -[*] Exit BaseU Base Roster ~~~~~~~~~~~ )No other recruits presently in this Base.U Exile which recruit? /Are you sure you want to exile this person? Exiled from You kick out from your Base and exile him! That person is not in the Base.*That person is not on the recruiting list.U Ready to logoff? KYou drift to sleep in the Base with the echoes of creatures scraping at the9Base walls from the outside. Finally, you fall asleep...U F-[1] Change Base Owner -[4] Upgrade Shields -[7] Build TelepodJ-[2] Change Base Name -[5] Upgrade Defense -[8] Base Range-FinderF-[3] Change Base Code -[6] Upgrade Structure -[9] Base-Destruct -[10] Claim Base as a Team-Base#-[10] Disclaim Base as a Team-Base -[4] Upgrade Shields -[5] Upgrade Defense -[6] Upgrade Structure -[7] Build Telepod -[8] Base Range-Finder - 4Only the owner of the Base may change the ownership.4Are you POSITIVE you want to switch Base owners? is now the property of Gave over to (That name is not on the recruiting list.4Only the owner of the Base may change the Base name.0Do you want to change the name of this Base? * .................... Name of your Base? !The Base has now been renamed to Changed Base name to ;Only the owner of the Base may change the Base access code./Do you want to change the Base access code? (Enter a two character security code. +The Base Shields are at its full potential.,The Base Structure is at its full potential.7Each percentage increase in Shields costs 500 crystals.9Each percentage increase in Structure costs 750 crystals. Maximum points to increase :[ Increase you can afford :[ 'How many Shield points to increase? *How many Structure points to increase? Base Shields now raised to %."Electro-Triterium Field Activated. Triterium Field Activated. Base Structure now raised to "You don't have that many crystals. Current Defensive Gun [: &Base Defensive Guns: Crystals:%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~%-[1] - Plasma Cannon 25,000%-[2] - Gamma-Radix Cannon 50,000%-[3] - Spore Sprayer 75,000%-[4] - Zaxtron Accelerator 100,000 You now have crystals on hand.!Purchase which Defensive Gun? You don't have enough crystals. now installed.GA Telepod allows teleportation between Bases. Each teleportation costsJ1500 crystals to charge the Pod. The intialize construction cost is 25000 crystals.,Purchase a Telepod system for this Base? Telepod constructed! Constructed Telepod for .In this case, you do not have enough crystals.)You already have a Telepod for this Base.JThe Base Range-Finder is used to determine whether another Base Telepod isIwithin teleportation range of this Base's X-Y coordinates. The receivingITelepod must not be more than one level above or below this current Base.&Receiving Telepod's X-coordinate. => &Receiving Telepod's Y-coordinate. => AThe receiving Telepod's location is NOT within teleporting range.=The receiving Telepod's location is within teleporting range.;Only the owner of the Base may engage the self-destruction.9Are you positive you want to self-destruct this Base? GYou lock in the self-destruct button from the control panel and quickly exit the Base.3Within seconds, the Base explodes into nothingness. -- self-destructed Base !!>Only the owner of the Base may claim/disclaim for a Team-Base.4Allow unlimited Base access to members of Squadron # 'Base has now been claimed to Squadron # claimed for Squadron #"Disclaim this Base from Squadron # Base has now been disclaimed.U Available Telepods: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No Telepods detected.$Teleportation cost is 1500 crystals.-In this case, you don't have enough crystals. Destination X-Coordinate. Destination Y-Coordinate. Destination Map Level. BTeleportation to that distance could result in matter inversion or3molecular dispersement. Teleportation deactivated.preventing telelock from occuring. Teleportation deactivated. Teleporting .HAs you travel through the teleportation, a receiving Telepod prompts you for an Access Code. Enter the Base Access Code. $Reversal of teleportation activated.3Access Code accepted. Rematerialization activated. Invalid Access Code for :Access Code invalid. Reversal of teleportation activated.2No Telepod frequency found at desired destination.9ABORTING TELEPORTATION AND SHUTTING DOWN REVERSAL SYSTEM. You instantly materialize at ( ) on the wastelands -- imbedded in rock! Teleported into impassable rock! on safe terrain. Successful teleportation to Unsuccessful Teleportation.U Storage Room: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[P] Pick-up items -[D] Drop items -[I] Inventory -[C] Check Status -[R] Base Roster -[*] Exit - DAn invisible wall of tremendous force pushes you away from the Base./Conveniently, the Base didn't have any shields.U 1A voice emits from a small speaker near the door. Team #! member recognized and confirmed. Proceed.#Warning before attempting access: This Base is protected by an intruder protection system. Enter the Base Access Code. Code Accepted.#"INTRUDER ALERT... INTRUDER ALERT!"U Entering Base...U Constructing Base .+ [...................] Name of your Base? (Enter a two character security code. Constructed U The guard from %'s gate waves you off and demands you go elsewhere to build a Base..The Hydrite Prison is occupying this location. There are already a maximum of Bases built.EAfter surveying the area, you decide that you can not build a base inGthis location because the ground is not stable enough for construction.KNo Base found in this sector. Initial construction costs 100,000 crystals. Do you want to build a Base? 'You can't afford the construction cost.U 8 = G L ` j v { ' = I W \ y !*!4!9!>!M!i!y! "*":"H"q" ###2#N#^#h#m#r# $o$}$ %+%0%5%_%i%w%|% &F&]& '4'R'W'a'f'k' (#(-(Q(V([(i(s(x( )')1)6)g)r) ) *E*S*X*b*l*v*{* +,+C+H+i+p+~+ ,",2,@,E,J, -?-K-P-l- .$.-.2.@.J.O.b.y. .4/9/H/P/\/ 2>2E2S2]2b2g2 3-373H3M3W3\3|3 4$424<4A4F4X4 : :?:D:N:m:r:|: ;);.;<;F;K;P;X;f;p;~; =/===B=L=V=f=n=|= ?6?=?K?U?Z?c?|? @ @.@8@I@N@X@i@n@x@ A%A*A=AIANA\AjAtA C*C4C9CGCQCVC`CjCtC~C D D+D9D>DTDuD E*E4E9EBESEaEfEpEuE G#GDGIGSGXGaGfGpGuGzG H4H;HIHNHXHaHfHtH}H I*I]I J&J4J9J>JQJZJeJ K)KRKkKyK O1OAOOOTOdOnOxO}O P"P2P;PIPNPXPbPgPoP}P Q$Do you wish to set up camp here? HYou manage to find some rotting wood to use as a fire. You can hear theFhowling of creatures nearby as you drift to sleep with one eye open...U IYou approach the guard at the gate. He scopes you with a Gieger Counter. Radiation Factor ...... "Under 50%, ), clear for entry back into the Complex." Do you want to go back into "Over 50%, ( NO CLEARANCE for entry to the Complex!"U HIn your pack of rations, you have a small flask which contains a mixture of water and organic vitamins. You are not very hungry. a little hungry. hungry. extremely hungry! dying of hunger!! Use your rations? .You chug down the disgusting liquid-substance. Now, you are U Hit Points :[ Applications :[ Use an application? :You gulp down a few pills and some of the pain fades away.3Your toss the empty medical kit over your shoulder.U 3You spark up some matches and light the dynamite. You toss it in the middle#of all the items and run like hell! You plant it against the Base door and run! the Prison door and run! You quickly lodge it6into the cell lock and dive into a corner of the cell. Nothing! "Huh, must have been a dud!" DThe dynamite ignites before you have time to get out of reach of theEexplosion. The force picks you up and throws you twenty feet through the air!HThe dynamite blows up the items, disintegrating them into a yellow dust.CSparks fly everywhere as the dynamite explodes against the shields. The dynamite does a total of %% damage against the security system.&C&R&Z&i& *"*+*9*>*N*X*b*g*q*v*~* *\+j+o+y+ ,",,,1,9,@,N,X,],b, /#/0/>/L/Q/[/e/j/x/ /!0/090>0K0Y0g0l0v0 1#1(1-1 2"2'21262 4#4(424<4F4O4T4b4l4q4 4H6V6d6n6s6 7'717F7P7e7o7 83888B8d8i8 9"9'91969;9I9S9X9':5:?:I:N:S:Z:h:r:w:|:6;D;N;X;];b;i;w; <#<-<2<7< =#=(=/===G=L=Q=v={= >2>7><>J>T>Y>^>e>s>}> @!@+@0@R@h@ A0ACA Stealing! Careful! Almost! Just a little more! ... GOT IT! OPPS!!5You easily snatch the crystals away from the carcass. Closer! ... OOPS!!3You easily slip the item from the dead body's pack.; just happens to roll over onto your hand as you try to nabJthe item out from his pack. His eyes widen as he turns and looks you dead in the eyes. "Prepare to die, thief!"U 's inventory: 0) Exit Hits 12) crystals Steal which item? )You don't have any room for more weapons. He doesn't have that weapon.)You are already wearing protective armor. He doesn't have any armor.*You don't have anymore room for equipment.(He doesn't have that piece of equipment. has a total of water crystals. How many to steal? You have a % chance of stealing crystals. Attempt to steal them? You now have a total of He doesn't have any crystals.U Infrared Compass Mon. System ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ] Map -[: HPs -[: Time : Rad -[: is stationed nearby.U HYou shoot an aerial flare up into the air and the scan gathers the data. Aerial Scanner Key ~~~~~~~~~~~7 OO = Impassable Rocks II = Unmarked Road6 ww = Barren Wasteland ?? = Unidentified1 .. = Desert [] = Complex0 "" = Swamps ~~ = Stream3 ^^ = Mountains @v = Hole Down1 -- = Flat Terrain @^ = Hole Up Scan> ## = Hydrite Prison ** = Camp/EquipmentE @@ = Cyclones // = Acid Storm" = Base0You can't use an Aerial Scan from inside a Base.U EYou rotate the dials on the TriKorder, but it can't penetrate through'through the storm's electric particles.EYou rotate the dials on the TriKorder and green lasers scan the area." Scanner Key" ~~~~~~~~~~~ Korder 1OO = Impassable Rocks II = Unmarked Road 2ww = Barren Wasteland = Air Force Base+.. = Desert [] = Complex*"" = Swamps ~~ = Stream-^^ = Mountains @v = Hole Down+-- = Flat Terrain @^ = Hole Up2## = Hydrite Prison cc = Camper 2%% = Radiation Mound = Missile Silo *UU = 30 Foot Pit = OracleC = Nukem YY = ThumpersC ii = Items @@ = CyclonesH // = Acid Storm !! = Your Location# = Bases-You can't use a TriKorder from inside a Base.U +*A wall stands in your way that direction.*7*Rocks and rubble from buildings block that direction.*U FBefore you have a chance to move, a tremendous cyclone consumes you inHits eye. Caught in the cyclone's frenzy, it rips at your body and tearsLat your pack. Something strikes you in the head and you lose consciousness. :Delyria causes you to momentarily lose sense of direction.U Thump... Thump.FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!MSomething grabs your leg... You look down and it looks like a monstrous claw,with squirming maggots crawling all over it!IAnother claw oooozing with maggots emerges from the ground and reaches upIand grabs your face! You SCREAM in terror as you feel the burning, toxicHwaste sliding down your body. It burns through your skin and stuns yourCnerves. You can't move an inch to get away from this horrid beast! Slimed by NUKEM!!(Which direction to escape? (N/S/E/W) )*That direction is blocked off by rocks!*U b "Since you do not remember my words, then perhaps you shall "A "remeber my actions. Let this be a lesson in humility to share " "with others of your kind."=And with that...two bolts of lightning stream from his eyes.. am!!!> The force of the blast goes deep into your soul, knocking you? backwards some 20 feet. You shake the dizziness from your head and rise back to your feet. The Oracle is gone...4 "Lonely is the man who seeks gifts from the giver.", "Greed is the mentality of the lesser man.". "Honesty is a trait not found in the greedy."6 "To seek out another for your own gain is dishonest."= "Those seeking gifts from others shall be known as beggers."L "Bother me no more. For you seek my gifts and not the wisdom that I bring."' "Now Go and seek me no further today."= "Once idle from your passion, you will know your true self."; "One can only find oneself if one can find it in oneself."2 "Trust is not something that can not be trusted."? "To follow the sun of this darkened path, follow the darkest."8 "A man without action is like a picture without color."/ "If a black cat crosses your path, cross his."9 "A man is not measured by his wallet, but by his worth."? "If there was only one universe, there would only be one you."5 "A hungry man shall starve if he has too much food."- "Too much information can be too dangerous."5 "Everything is upside down, according to your eyes.", "The most accurate clock is a stopped one."* "What can't be said can only be thought."4 "What pertains to the mind, pertains to the mouth."' "Where there's a whip, there's a way."; "If you didn't believe in ghosts, you certainly will now."% "What causes disease, is a disease."KStunned by his presence, a power surges through your veins. The mist seepsFdown into the black ground. You try to decipher his abstract message. You have witnessed the Oracle... Found the Oracle on level ?You find yourself engulfed in the middle of an acid-rain storm! Barren wasteland.FCrumbling walls of ancient cities scatter the plains, and smoke lazily-rises from the destructed relics of the past. Desert.GColdness creeps upon you like death in this vast range of empty desert.AHarsh winds rip sand against your body like tiny shards of glass. Swamps.IThe black muck from the swamp slithers between your toes as you make your way through the bubbling slime. Mountains.EHigh upon the scorched mountains, small blackening caves can be seen.FPossibly lurking within, horrible creatures wait for your trespassing. Flat Terrain.=A mist glides along the flat terrain and summons you forward. 20 foot pit!IAARGH! The ground crumbles inward and sucks you down into a 20 foot pit! .MPIOn the bottom, you land in an oozy pool of mud. You then realize you areMstuck in quicksand as it slips you into its muddy blackness. As you struggleCto hold your breath, the black slime drops you into the next level!IYou land on the bottom and slowly pick yourself up. You carefully ascend back to the surface. Hole down.?A small hole in the ground leads down into a realm of darkness. Air Force Base.GFrom the pre-war years, an air force base lies half buried from nuclear ash and metallic scraps. Missile Silo.GA disabled missile silo remains intact from heavy bombing in this area. Radiation Dump.JIn an effortless HeXonium attempt to clean the wastelands, radiation dumps8lay wretched with oozing radioactive substances forming. Unmarked Road.GThis unmarked road is littered with dead shrubs and rotting vegatation.@Darkness swirls around the infamous and towering Hydrite Prison. Hole up.;As you look up, you notice a small hole that leads upwards. Stream.IYou cautiously wade through the black murky water of this shallow stream.U Nearby Camps: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ) [Alive] [Deceased]U 8The radiation from within you starts to eat its way out! DIED from excessive radiation!!U &The poison streaks through your veins!IThe poison reaches your heart and burns a wide hole in your chest. BloodIbubbles around your heart as it ceases to pump. Your eyes melt back into(your brain as the wastelands turn black. You are a little hungry. You are hungry. You are extremely hungry! You are DYING of hunger!GDue to lack of nutrients, your body begins to have convulsions and your stomach bloats.KAs the vultures circle overhead, your only choice is to feed upon yourself.LThe cakey flesh caught between your teeth makes you realize there is nothing more to live for...U You have contracted J ^ c m < | !7!\! ###(#6#@#E# $4$>$Y$^$l$v${$ %4%9%I%N%f%t%~% &!&1&6&V&[&u& *$*2*7*A*F*T*^*c* +)+.+ +A,K,P,Z, ,T-^-c-m- / /%/*/;3 4+454C4H4R4W4e4o4}4 4!5+595>5H5M5[5e5j5 6!6&6 627<7J7O7Y7^7l7v7{7 8(8-8 8\9f9t9y9 :$:):0:>:H:M:R: ?'?@?J?^?c?h?u? ?'@7@ C_DdDiDwD D(G5G>GLGVG[GdGnGwG|G H HKHUHZH_HeHvH}H IKJYJcJhJqJ,S T0THTMTWTaTkTuT U$U.U8U=UGULU V%V/V4VEVJVVVeVwV W)W:WKW\WmW~W W"X0X>XHXMXRXeXyX~X _@`J`O`\` a"aCaOaYaza b"b'b1b=bZb|b c#c(c2c Expert level now ON! Expert level now OFF!4Infrared Scanner will now clear before each display.5Infrared Scanner will now scroll after every display.U a Current Level [: Experience [: Level requires experience points. You have ' experience to go until the next level.U The Morgue: ~~~~~~~~~~4The following is a listing of the recently deceased. Complex Wasteland Total body count : U Active Recruits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Complex Wasteland Total Recruits : U 6That recruit is presently stationed in the wastelands.*That person is not on our recruit listing.2Please use the C)heck command to view your status.U Recruit Chambers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[B] Bank Storage -[C] Check Status -[E] Experience to Go -[M] Morgue Listing -[R] Roster Status -[V] View Recruit -[U] User Config -[*] Exit - !)!7!A!T!Y!c!h!m! # #%#3#=#P#U#Z#j#}# $-$4$X$]$ $;%D%R%`%j%x%}% '&'4'9'J'O'T'b'l'q'v' )")G)L)])i)|) *%*/*4*B*L*Z*_*d* +*+:+?+M+W+k+p+u+z+ ,/,G,Y,s,x, -&-+-0-'.5.D.R.\.a.o.y. /"/,/2/C/J/n/s/ /DYou have gained enough Experience Points to increase your abilities! Experience :[ points Level :[ (You are rewarded bonus crystals.) Strength :[ Dexterity :[ Hit Points :[ ))Choose from one of the following options: 1) Increase Strength by 4 2) Increase Dexterity by 4 3) Increase Hit Points by 4 - Increased a level!CWith the fighting experience you've gained, encounters above level &will have low experience point values. As a level < recruit, a suggestion of switching to the EXPERT mode wouldIhelp benefit your playing time. The EXPERT level shortens many menus andKsummarizes text that you may have already memorized. The EXPERT option can4be set in the Recruiting Chambers under User Config.U 7The service guard at the wasteland gate posts a report. Time upon entering :[ Operating time :[ min. Monster activity :[ Travelling Hibernating Stirring Roaming Feeding Total kills today :[ Crystals on hand :[ Hit Point status :[ Radiation factor :[ Complex Location :[ ,1<(To return immediately to the Complex, move directly south.) Opening the gates...U / can not be paged when you are playing locally!$ has been notified of your presence.) may be reached from 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM. is busy in HQ with paperwork.U Help Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[1] Scenario -[2] Complex Detail -[3] Character Detail -[4] Wastelands Detail -[5] Bulletin Info -[6] Logon News Info -[7] What's New? -[8] What's Old? -[0] Exit File # USERDOCS.TXT BULLETIN.TXT NEWS.TXT WHATS.NEW WHATS.OLDU Frontier Log: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ FRONTIER.OOU Date :[ Time :[ -[T] Time Remaining -[F] Frontier Log -[*] Back to HQ - You are allowed a maximum of minutes. -Maximium Time -[: -Operation Time -[: -- -Time Remaining -[: U Disease Center ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[N] Neutralize Disease -[V] Vaccination Treatment -[*] Exit to Medical Center - )You are currently hosting the disease of DISEASES.TXTDYou are currently hosting Poison in your bloodstream. Poison may be/neutralized, but can not be vaccinated against. You can cure this disease for crystals. You don't have enough crystals. Neutralize disease? Treating disease... cured. You are currently disease-free. Vaccinated: # of Visits: ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ) "Vulnerable: Cost/4 Visits:!~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10) All Diseases*Receive vaccination for which disease? Vaccinating... complete."You don't have that many crystals.-Cure this disease first -- then vaccinate it.%You have already been vaccinated for U Medical Center ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Radiation :[ Hit Points :[ Infectious :[ -[D] Disease Department -[M] Use Medical Kit -[R] Radiation Department -[*] Back to HQ - ,You are not contaminated with any radiation. You are infected with % radiation. A calculated cost of $ crystals will reduce your radiation factor completely.6In this case, you don't have enough for the treatment.&Do you want to take the treatment? KYou enter the Anti-Radiation room. The door locks behind you, and from the&ceiling swirls a brown gas around you Hit Points :[ Applications :[ Use an application? :You gulp down a few pills and some of the pain fades away."You have used up that medical kit. You don't have any Medical Kits.U INVNTORY.TXT Inquire #? "Hand-To-Hand Weapons Crystals"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~"-[1] - Steel Chain 700"-[2] - Salanger 4,250"-[3] - Natase 9,500"-[4] - TransAxe 18,000"-[5] - Electric Sword 32,500"-[6] - Tevix-Bahn 55,750"Long-Range Weapons Crystals"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~"-[7] - Trilasm 7,500"-[8] - Exavator 12,000"-[9] - Raxhaven 19,250"-[10] - SanPlizer 30,500"-[11] - Devastator 41,000"-[12] - Z-Tempest 64,750 Buy which weapon? "You don't have that many crystals. Buy the for crystals? Sold!#Your pack is full with two weapons.U Weapons: ~~~~~~~ 1) crystals Sell which weapon? (You can't sell something you don't have. Sell your for crystals? Sold! You now have crystals."You have no other weapons to sell.U Supply Weapons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[B] Buy Weapon -[S] Sell Weapon -[*] Back to Supply Room - %Protective Armor Hits Crystals%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~%-[1] - Leather 25 2,500%-[2] - HeXonium 50 8,800%-[3] - Laser Vest 75 14,950%-[4] - Shezvarin 100 26,000 Buy which armor? "You don't have that many crystals. Buy the armor for crystals? Sold!%You already have protective armor on.U Armor: ~~~~~ Hits Sell your armor for crystals? Sold! You now have water crystals.!You don't have any armor to sell.U Supply Armor ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hits -[B] Buy Armor -[S] Sell Armor -[*] Back to Supply Room - Supply Ammo ~~~~~~~~~~~ 2) '(Ammunition may be stacked in weapons.) Buy ammo for which weapon? %Ammo is not required for this weapon. Ammunition Rds Crystals ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 1) ZZETs 50 500 2) ZZETs 100 1,000 Buy which ammo supply? Ammo purchased! You don't have enough crystals."Power Supplies Rds Crystals"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~"1) Power Pack 50 1,500"2) Power Pack 100 3,000 Buy which ammo? $Power Supplies Rds Crystals$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~$1) Cirze Supply 50 3,000$2) Cirze Supply 100 6,000U "Equipment Crystals"~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~"-[1] - Rations 50"-[2] - Hemp Rope 200"-[3] - Silencer 300"-[4] - Transmitter 500"-[5] - Summoner 800"-[6] - Medical Kit 1,000"-[7] - Thumpers 1,500"-[8] - Galaticom 1,750"-[9] - Anti-Rad Suit 2,000"-[10] - Dynamite 3,000"-[11] - Aerial Scan 5,000"-[12] - VacPack 15,000 Buy which equipment? "You don't have that many crystals. Purchase the for crystals? Sold!*Your pack is completely full of equipment.U Equipment Crystals ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ Sell which equipment? (You can't sell something you don't have. Sell your for crystals? Sold! You now have water crystals.U Supply Equipment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[B] Buy Equipment -[S] Sell Equipment -[*] Back to Supply Room - Supply Room ~~~~~~~~~~~ -[W] Weapons -[A] Ammunition -[P] Protective/Armor -[E] Equipment -[I] Supply Inventory -[C] Check -[*] Back to HQ - 1That is already the name of an existing Squadron.U Squadron # Members: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Leader) (Leader)U &Squadrons: Leaders:%~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ) (There are no Squadrons currently formed.U ,Do you wish to create your own Squadron? *Enter a unique name for your Squadron. 'Enter your Squadrons's Access Code. declared as Squadron # .FOther recruits may freely join your Squadron if they have knowledge of the Squadron Access Code. Formed (Squadron # )*A maximum of 10 Squadrons has been formed.U Recruit to which Squadron? %Enter their Squadron Access Code. "Invalid Access Code for Squadron # .6Valid Access Code. You are now a member of Squadron # That Squadron does not exist.!You already belong to a Squadron.U 8Are you sure you want to disband from this Squadron? )You are no longer a soldier in Squadron # -- disbanded from Team # The Base of "!" has been disclaimed from Team # access. disclaimed from Team #GIf you wish to disband your Squadron, you must do so through the Leader Menu.U /Do you want to disband the entire Squadron? Squadron # has been disbanded. Disbanded Squadron # entirely Removing/Informing -- U 3Do you want to change the Squadron Access Code? 'Enter the new Squadron Access Code. JAccess Code has now been changed. It is optional to inform other Squadron members of this change.U +Remove which recruit from the Squadron? "That recruit is not on the roster. Removed from Squadron #$ has been removed from the Squadron..That recruit is not a member of your Squadron. There are no current members.U Squadron # Leader Menu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%-[1] Show all Squadron names/leaders -[2] Show Squadron # Members -[3] Disband Squadron -[4] Disband Squadron Member!-[5] Change Squadron Access Code - $No current members in your Squadron.U Squadrons Menu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[T] Show Squadrons/Leaders -[M] Show Squadron # Members -[D] Declare a Squadron -[Q] Quit your Squadron -[L] Leader Options -[R] Recruit to a Squadron -[*] Return to HQ - $No current members in your Squadron.U v / = B Y p z # ( 2 7 < B S Z !"!+!2!7!E!O!T!Y!r!N"["d" # #;#@#J#O#g#}# $2$@$J$O$T$\$j$o$ %&%V%d%n% &%&3&8&B&G&U&p&u& '%'3'='B'K'h' ('(6(D(N(S(a(k(p(~( )%)6)@)E)J)T)b)l)q){) ,$,2,<,A,K,U,_,d,i,w, -"-'->-L-Q-[-`-n- -^.h.m.v. .p/y/ 0&0+000Q0m0 1!1&10151B1d1r1|1 3)373A3F3P3Z3d3i3w3 7+757J7T7e7o7t7y7 8%8d8n8s8x8 :(:-:2:V:`:e:s:}: <$<)<7LLLVL[LkLuL{L MfM}M N[N`NoNwN N!O4O\OfOzO P#P1P6P@PEPpPuP Q Q*Q4Q9Q@Q R#R(R-RIRNR]ReR R6TlTqT U,U_H_M_R_e_{_ `!`&`I`\`a`p`x` b,b:bDbIbVbabzb d"d'd5d?dDdUdZdhdxd e;eEeOeeejeoete f+f0f:f?fMgVgegsg}g h h*h4h>hChQh[h`hyh h'jJjYjljvj{j k)k:k?kIkNk\kfkkkpkvk l lQl"-[==- Meat Darts Score Board -==]- Players Points ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~U Gathering 3 other recruits... Player # Dexterity :[ Challenge these recruits? JMeat Darts -- Instead of a dart board as the target, a mean little skrawnyHHydrite is the target. Each player has four darts in which to score the highest possible points. Hydrite Part Points ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Feet/Claws 1 Arms/Legs 3 Privy's 5 Chest 7 Head 9 Eyes 12 's turn... TWANG! 0 Points! All wood... No Hydrite! sssssquuish! 12 Points! Drooling eyes!! ttttthunk! 9 Points! Right between the eyes... ssssSSSINK! 7 Points! Right in the heart! sssssszzZIP! 5 Points! Hit 'im where it counts! ssssSSSHUNK! 3 Points. In the leg -- Good shot. ssssSSSHANK! In the arm -- Not bad. sssss-thud! 1 Point. Aww. Broke his nail. ssss-thud! The BIG toe. Ouch. End of the game! The final winner is ... NO ONE wins in a tie! water crystals are awarded. won crystals in Meat Darts.'Sorry, but no one seems up to it today.U *That person is not on the recruiting list.+That person is stationed in the wastelands.) is a little cold under the collar today. has crystals on hand. How many crystals to steal? #He doesn't have that many crystals. You have a % chance of stealing crystals. Attempt to steal them? Stealing! Careful! Almost! Just a little more! ... GOT IT! You walk off whistling with crystals and a total of Stole crystals from OOPS!9 grabs your neck and picks you up against the wall. YourGsuit catches onto a hook and leaves you dangling helplessly. He smirks-as he scrambles through your pack collecting crystals for himself.C"Nice doin' bidness witchya, pardner," he chuckles as he walks off. Lost crystals stealing from U >x[1w Sorry, but is on duty in the wastelands.% is a little on the stiff side today. has not recruited yet. Wrestlers Strength ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~!Do you want to challenge him? "Welcome to /'s fabulous Arm Wrestling event!" croaks an old referee. You and ' approach the table and sit down facing$one another. You firmly lock grips. "Ready... set... GO!" nntt!! And the winner is ... He wins water crystals from the event! In all, he has a grand total of crystals. Beat in Arm-Wrestling by You win "In all, you have a grand total of Beat in Arm-Wrestling. He's not on the recruit list.U F"If you wanna play games the whole time, try the wastelands!" says the#old timer sitting against the wall.U Gathering 3 other roaches... Player # Hit Points :[ Challenge their roaches? EThe object of Roach Races is to have your roach crawl 300 centimetersIbefore any other person's roach crawls that far. Of course, minor flooksImay happen in the course of the race. If two roaches should pass the 300Jcentimeter mark, then the Roach who crawls the furthest passed the mark is declared the winner. And they're off!2The roach gets stuck between a crack in the floor.7The roach gets turned on its back when someone sneezes.+The roach decides to take a small pit stop.*The roach stops to munch on a nearby flea.:The roach gets woozy after a sipping a puddle of vermouth.>The roach gets horny and mounts another roach for a free ride!BThe roach catches a nice breeze and skims along a few extra steps!7The roach's turbo kicks in as the steriods take effect!5The roach spots an ant ahead and hurries to catch it! The roach scurries faster as secretly blows on it. 's roach is at cms. And we have a WINNER! -- 's roach! water crystals are awarded. won crystals in Roach Races.'Sorry, but no one seems up to it today.U Barl's Bar ~~~~~~~~~~ -[B] Buy a drink -[T] Talk to Barl -[*] Exit to Games Room - '"Give me the House Special," you smirk.JThe bartender stares at you with one eye and then drools in agreement. HeFvanishes from behind the bar and pops back up a few seconds later. HeEslides you the mysterious drink as he begins to chuckle. White smokeAslithers from the bubbling green slime over onto the bar counter.E"What do I owe you?" you inquire to the barman. He promptly responds0with that same smirk on his face, "You tell me."7How many crystals do you want to pay for the drink? 0He grins and gestures toward the foaming liquid.FYou reluctantly smile back at the dribbling bartender as you gulp downEthe drink. And to much your surprise, you survived the intoxication.EBarl gazes in disbelief as he hauls the crystals back behind the bar.FHe quickly slips you an odd-looking skeleton key, a Code-Key. Without-asking questions, you slip it into your pack."You don't have that many crystals.J"So, heard anything interesting lately?" you innocently probe. The keeper7quickly scans the room and then whispers into your ear: "Nope!" "Yep!" "Hey, your fly's open."%"Yeah, your mother wears army boots." "( is smuggling crystals to the Hydrites."."The Hydrites are building some kind of bomb."6"Hydrites sneak into the Complex and kidnap recruits."+"Advice: Sleep with dynamite in your pack."1"The Hydrite Prison is somewhere on map level 3." "Nukem has been sighted at [ ]."<"A ghost of a dead HeXonium soldier wanders the wastelands."8"Hydrite Soldiers have keys to unlock the Prison cells."!"The Prison has only five cells."0"You can fall through pits onto the next level."%"All Hydrites are armed with poison."!"VacPacks vaccinate from poison."+"Diseases can be cured from recruit Bases."6"Overkill is planning a massive attack on Earth soon."."Our chance of surviving is a mere 4 percent."#"Your life is in Overkill's hands." "Quit picking your nose." "Twooth canes fom dith.";"If yoaw plansk kon surcing jea ponsf y okaf tragniferisk.":"Jea no Galacticom a traslotion devo tan masta grasolina."K"Albinona kansti sruffel sigue treen stupnik humoon jupitis agalnon polsf."@"Ittfute lasrt defcovin alak shemi da tolipac recors bablifona."U IYou are now in the Games Room, a delightful place to leisurely relax fromGthe everyday hack n' slash. A small bar is located on the south wall. Games left :[ -[A] Arm Wrestling -[B] Barl's Bar -[L] Loot Crystals -[M] Meat Darts -[R] Roach Races -[*] Exit to Barracks - HYou mosey on over to the bar and take a seat on a scuffed barstool. TheIslighty deformed keeper grunts, "Woth ja leeke?" A Galacticom on the topGshelf behind him translates his jumble into "What would you like?" YouFstart to wonder what ever happened to the old standard human language.U ( 1 ; D N W a j t } * / 9 > L V [ d n w !'!1!6!?!P!h!q!v! "&"+"5":"?"O"b"g"q"v" #5#:#J#k#p#z# $$$.$8$=$B$ *.*3*B*J*w* +!+++A+M+R+b+}+ ,&,0,:,?,D,R,\,a,j,t,}, -@-a- .".C.H.d.n. .g/l/z/ 0)0.080=0_0y0~0 1"1'1A1]1g1x1}1 ;-;7;<;F;P;U;c;m;r;w;}; < <*&>+>3>F>Z>q> ?3?G?L?V?j?o?y? @-@>@O@`@n@}@ @hCvC D*D4D9DCDMDWDaDfDpDuD E"E,E6E@EEE Base Roster ~~~~~~~~~~~ Send a message to whom? That person is not in the Base.*That person is not on the recruiting list.HYou pick up a burning stick from the dying campfire and begin to scratch a message into the musty sand.HYou find a white pebble and begin writing the message on the Base floor. Sending private message to .! [....................] Subject Message complete.U >r 3u Message deleted.U E-Mail ~~~~~~ -From [: -Date [: -Subject [: 8gain eply elete ontinue uit -[: Delete message replied to? ^ % I N ] e t Unlocking other node. OONODE.DATU All Time Record for Experience! Level! Crystals! Kills! Hit Points! Strength! Dexterity!U Kills : Back to Reality... 8 Q _ i n | 1 new message in the Comm. Post! new messages in the Comm. Post!"No new messages in the Comm. Post.U Checking for E-Mail... messages! message! Nil.U Night Report: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date/Time :[ Attacker :[ Bank Report: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Squadron Update: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thief :[ Stealing :[ Results :[ Successfully stolen! Caught by killed! fled from combat! surrendered! killed by surrendered and killed by attacked Base attempted access to destroyed Base Event :[ released you from Prison!!Hydrites kidnapped you to Prison! Interest gained : Total deposited : Loan fine : 50,000 crystals Total loan : Loan interest : Total loan due : Member joined: Member disbanded: disbanded the entire team.'You were removed from your Squadron by + self-destructed the Base that you were in!U IYour soul feels as though it is rising beyond your physical body. Below,Hyou can see your deceased body lying still without movement. Blood still-oozes forth from your recently deceased body.KIt is said that a few fortunate souls have returned after 24 hours of theirGdemise. I guess you will just have to wait to find out if this is true.Gyou can see your deceased body lying still with the vacancy of scarfingLvultures plucking at your yellowish skin. You have been bloodied to a pulp. Hydrites,Do you wish to resurrect this character? &Sysop! You can't erase your character!+Your soul rots in burning flames of hell...!Your body has been taken away by morgue scrapers and revivedIback to life. But somehow, you don't quite feel the same as you used to.U Hydrite Prisoners: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ............................ Will be released days leftU ALLIAs you wipe the radiation dust from your faded suit, you notice a message2engraved into the ground near the smoldering fire. To -[: From -[: Subj -[: Date -[: Delete this message? : Overkill has been defeated by !7Please Inform the Sysop that the Game Should be Reset!!U Vaccine disolvement: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U GYou wake up next to the smoldering fire and smell the stench of rottingFflesh somewhere nearby. You gaze about the camp and take inventory of your equipment. IYou wake up inside the Base, safe and sound. However, you still hear the"unknown creatures lurking outside. New Recruit: Login: NEWS.TXT Welcome to , under command of .KFor those that are unfamiliar with the game, please visit the Head QuartersMand access the Information Cabinets. If you need help on commands, press "?" from any menu.U ! + 0 G U Z d n s " * ] b q y !+!0!?!G!S!a!f!v! !5"C"M"R"`"j"o" "c#p#u# $8&I&c&m&r& '('-'7'A'K' '"Recruiting HX-909 Soldier process. Set Attributes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength -[: Dexterity -[: Hit Points -[: IThe training from each program will enhance your skills by the following:?Attributes Savian Xynthian ZZilenian Dygamorian?~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~; Strength -- +2 +2 -4; Dexterity -- +2 -4 +2;Hit Points -- -4 +2 +2 (S), (X), (Z), (D) SavianLThis training is available for recruits who are ready for immediate involve-ALPHA Test Site Locations and will not work without the proper;ALPHA Codes. Please be will be available soon. Locking out other node.CSorry, but another user is currently playing Overkill at this time..Please try again in a few minutes. Thank-you!U The Map File could not be found!! PRISON.MAP DESC.DAT MONSTER.DATU BADNAME.DAT BANNED.DAT INVALID NAME!>YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED FROM OVERKILL! PLEASE TALK TO THE SYSOP!U +Sorry, but someone already has that handle!U Please enter a handle. Enter an Access Code. Recruiting Report: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Handle/Name : Real Name : Access Code : $Information valid? (Yes/No/Quit) Enter your Access Code. CLOGON.TXT ALOGON.TXT;You step up to the terminal from the Main Gate and sign in: OPERATION: OVERKILL II v.997 FCopyright (c) 1990 Dustin Nulf and Tom Hazel (Development in Progress) All Rights Reserved Registered to [UNREGISTERED] .Please help your SysOp register this software! UNREGISTERED Enter your real name. SYSOP DEAD'You haven't been scheduled for another minute s.;A massive guard waps you across the jaw and throws you out.U ) 7 C R \ a t y ~ % 8 G U Z d r w !+!5!:!H!R!`!e!o!t! "&"-"G"L" "'#5#:#D#R#W#d#s# &P&Y&o&x&}& '$':'?'D'R'W'f'y' (7(Q(V(`(n(s(x( )%)*);)@)N)^)l){) )!*/*b* +)+.+3+E+T+Y+^+v+